World Views & Education

Gathering to talk, exchange, learn and share.

The Hideout Activities


These are walk-in sessions for a specific topic. Take the stage or listen to others. Open and free stoa - discussions. Meet other rebels. Interested? Get in touch through our social channels.

Think & Do

This is an active engagement where we do thinking, brainstorming and actual 'work' on specific assignments to help us 'activate'.
Interested? Get in touch through our social channels.


This is the moment we organize to talk about knowledge and experience through opening the (digital) floor to writers and readers alike. Interested? Get in touch through our social channels.

"a Rebel in each of us"

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Inspirations are multitude. Different for each and every one of us. Below just a few wise people with sometimes rebbelicious en revolutionary ways of thinking and explaining. Good for us that there are many brilliant thinkers of different kinds.

Swami Vivekananda

Sage & Teacher

Alan Watts

Philosopher & Writer

Jiddu Krishnamurti


"A modern day Stoa"

Become a part of the 'gathering of rebels'